Electronic Fuel Pump

The fuel pump, now this is an odd one because it was one of those things I just drifted into doing without any strong reasoning.

The logic (if there is ever such a thing where a hobby is concerned) was that the OEM pump had been on there since 1968, I’d replaced the diaphragms around 1980 but that was it.

I’d read about the changes in fuel make-up, the addition of ethanol, etc, and had started to wonder if the old seals were suitable for the new fuels.

The Ford Mechanical Fuel Pump

And it would be something that I couldn’t really monitor, it might just fade away overnight and result in a tow-truck home.

So I talked myself into installing an electric pump, a low pressure Facet model which is designed for carburettors. An easy enough job and there is space beside the petrol tank to mount the pump neatly out of sight underneath the boot carpet.

New Facet Pump with Filter and Pressure Regulator

And of course it works, initially too well and I became convinced I was now getting too much pressure at the carbs. More research and to restore my confidence I installed a pressure regulator to make sure I wasn’t going to over-pressurise the webers, again hidden away beneath the boot carpet.

So, a worthwhile mod ?

I’m not really sure. Yes, I have an added anti-theft device in the wiring and there’s a slight confidence when you can hear the pump ticking away but that’s about it I think.

I can’t claim any improvement in reliability because the Ford pump never let me down either.

It was just that I couldn’t find a definitive answer to the question...

“will these rubber components work in modern petrol?”

If I could find that answer with any confidence then I think I’d retain the Ford globe pump. On the Europa, which is next for treatment, I’ve still got the Ford pump and as it’s not destined for the road until next summer I will have 12 months experience of unleaded petrol with these diaphragms. Who knows, I might well change back ?

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Here are just a few of the little challenges that Lotty has come up with to keep me out of trouble...